SpaceX is Set to Deorbit 100 High Tech Starlink Satellites.

SpaceX decided to retire approximately 100 Starlink satellites prematurely due to a preidentified issue of a flaw that could potentially raise concerns in the future. They also assured that there won’t be a fiery light show in the sky as the satellites are safely brought down to Earth.

SpaceX mentioned that the users of Starlink can rest assured that there won’t be service outages and their service is expected to remain unaffected. In orbit, there are still thousands of operational Starlink satellites. With nearly 6,000 launched to date and 406 de-orbited, along with others possibly not operational and yet there remains a very much enough number of satellites in orbit for customers’ needs.

Is SpaceX losing control?

According to the announcement they clarify that the Starlink team has identified a common issue within this specific group of first-generation communication satellites that could elevate the risk of failure. As per the announcement they made, it appears probable that the mentioned “failure” would result in a loss of control. Up to this date, Seventeen Starlink satellites are presently unable to maneuver, although SpaceX has not confirmed whether this issue is linked to the flaw identified in the 100 satellites scheduled for deorbiting.

Space Cannot Be A Junk Yard

Satellites without power essentially become debris. Even at a low orbit like this one, they’ll likely burn up within a few years rather than centuries. SpaceX aims to avoid being held accountable if the sky becomes crowded with broken satellites.

One By One?

Version One Starlink Satellites
Set of Version One Starlink Satellites

Despite their age, these satellites are still functioning perfectly. However, SpaceX has chosen to commence controlled descents to remove them from orbit. These descents will be initiated “in the coming weeks and months,” although these satellites have limited maneuverability, so the process will involve more of a gentle nudge downwards. The de-orbiting procedure is expected to last approximately six months, during which time they will also “assume maneuver responsibility for any high-risk conjunctions.” This means that if they encounter other satellites, the Starlink satellites will politely adjust their positions to avoid potential collisions. The satellites will descend individually, rather than all at once. So No Worries. “The Sky Is Not Falling”

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